
Please contact us to request a copy of a publication.


Class I Injection Well Overview: Feasibility, Permitting & Installation

Janes, W., “Class I Injection Well Overview: Feasibility, Permitting & Installation” presented at the 2024 ESD/MWRA 33rd Annual Solid Waste Technical Conference, March 6, 2024; East Lansing, Michigan.


Technical Considerations for CO2 Injection

Wandke, L., “Technical Considerations for CO2 Injection” presented at the 2024 Ground Water Protection Council UIC Conference, February 28, 2024; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


Can Financial Assurance Become a Class VI Fatal Flaw?

Burton, T., “Can Financial Assurance Become a Class VI Fatal Flaw?” presented at the 2024 Ground Water Protection Council UIC Conference, February 28, 2024; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


Injection Well Seminar: How Injection Technology Works and is the Basis for Regulation

Cooper, K.J., “Injection Well Seminar: How Injection Technology Works and is the Basis for Regulation” invited Half-Day Short Course for regulators and operators presented at the 2024 Ground Water Protection Council UIC Conference, February 26, 2024; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


Practical Lessons Learned About Risk and Approach for Class VI Permitting

Cooper, K.J., Burton, T., “Practical Lessons Learned About Risk and Approach for Class VI Permitting” invited presentation to the Alaska Statewide CCUS Workgroup, January 31, 2024; Anchorage, Alaska.


Carbon Capture and Storage:  Technology, Permitting, Opportunities and Challenges

Demuth, H., “Carbon Capture and Storage:  Technology, Permitting, Opportunities and Challenges” presented at the Texas Aggregates and Concrete Association Meeting,  October 19, 2023; Dallas, Texas.


Carbon Capture & Sequestration

Burton, T, Demuth, H.,” Carbon Capture & Sequestration” invited presentation to the Alaska Statewide CCUS Workgroup, February 1, 2023; Anchorage, Alaska.


Determining the Area Of Review (AOR) for Class I Injection Wells 

Wandke, L., “Determining the Area Of Review (AOR) for Class I Injection Wells“ presented at the 2021 Kansas Department of Health and Environment Geology and Well Technology Fall Virtual Seminar, September 14, 2021; Wichita, Kansas.


Horizontal Injection Considerations: Pressure Rise and Area of Review

Wandke, L. and Cooper, K.J., “Horizontal Injection Considerations: Pressure Rise and Area of Review” presented at the 2020 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Virtual Forum, September 29, 2020.


Health and Safety Considerations for Workover Operations on Class I Wells

Demuth, J.D., “ Health and Safety Considerations for Workover Operations on Class I Wells” presented at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment Geology and Well Technology Unit Fall 2020 Virtual Seminar.


Injection Well Seminar: The Basics of Reservoir Engineering as it Applies to Cone-of-Influence, Well Siting, and Injection Interval Formation Evaluation

Cooper, K.J., “Injection Well Seminar: The Basics of Reservoir Engineering as it Applies to Cone-of-Influence, Well Siting, and Injection Interval Formation Evaluation” invited Half-Day Short Course for regulators and operators presented at the 2020 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Conference, February 18, 2020; San Antonio, Texas.


Injection Well Seminar: Operations and Regulation with Understanding

Cooper, K.J., “Injection Well Seminar: Operations and Regulation with Understanding” invited Half-Day Short Course for regulators and operators presented at the 2019 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Conference, February 27, 2019; Fort Worth, Texas.


Technical Factors Involved with the Demonstration of No-Migration to Support Land Ban Exemption Petitions

Payne, A. and Cooper, K.J., “Technical Factors Involved with the Demonstration of No-Migration to Support Land Ban Exemption Petitions” at the 2018 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Forum, September 11, 2018; New Orleans, Louisiana.


Injection Well Seminar: Operations and Regulation with Understanding

Cooper, K.J., “Injection Well Seminar: Operations and Regulation with Understanding” invited Full-Day Short Course for regulators and operators at the 2018 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Forum, September 10, 2018; New Orleans, Louisiana.


How Several Factors Influence Well Performance, Testing and Permitting: Density, Temperature and Friction

Cooper, K.J., Wandke, L. and Pitts, R. “How Several Factors Influence Well Performance, Testing and Permitting: Density, Temperature and Friction” at the 2018 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Conference, February 12, 2018; Tulsa, Oklahoma.


The Calculation of Injection Effects to Establish the Area of Review (AOR) for Class I Injection Wells

Payne, A. and Cooper, K.J., “The Calculation of Injection Effects to Establish the Area of Review (AOR) for Class I Injection Wells” at the 2018 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Conference, February 12, 2018; Tulsa, Oklahoma.


An Introduction to Mechanical Integrity Testing with a Focus on Class I Injection Wells in Kansas

Cooper, K.J., Wandke, L. and Janes, W., “An Introduction to Mechanical Integrity Testing with a Focus on Class I Injection Wells in Kansas” invited presentation at the 2017 Kansas Department of Health and Environment Geology and Well Technology Fall Seminar, August 30, 2017; Wichita, Kansas.


Deep Disposal Well Applications for Uranium Operations

Demuth, H.P. and Janes, W., “Deep Disposal Well Applications for Uranium Operations” at the U2017 Global Uranium Symposium, August 23, 2017; Casper, Wyoming.


Review of the Aquifer Exemption Process, History and Implementation Related to Groundwater Protection and Use

Demuth, H.P. and Van Voorhees, R., “Review of the Aquifer Exemption Process, History and Implementation Related to Groundwater Protection and Use” at the National Ground Water Association Deep Groundwater Conference, March 2017; Denver, Colorado.


Review of the Aquifer Exemption Process, History and Implementation Related to Groundwater Protection and Use

Demuth, H.P., Cooper, K.J. “Review of the Aquifer Exemption Process, History and Implementation Related to Groundwater Protection and Use” at the Groundwater Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Conference, February 25, 2017; Austin, Texas.


An Update on Risk-Informed, Performance Based Licensing of Source Materials: How Are We doing?

Viellenave, J.H., “An Update on Risk-Informed, Performance Based Licensing of Source Materials: How Are We doing?”, National Mining Association Uranium Recovery Workshop, June 7, 2016; Denver, Colorado.


Is There Really A Problem? A Review of Historical Aquifer Exemptions

Demuth, H.P. “Is There Really A Problem? A Review of Historical Aquifer Exemptions” at the National Mining Association Uranium Recovery Workshop, June 7, 2016, Denver, Colorado.


An Introduction to Pressure Transient Testing of Injection Wells and Use for UIC Permit and Landban Petition Compliance

Cooper, K.J., Wandke, L. and Payne, A., “An Introduction to Pressure Transient Testing of Injection Wells and Use for UIC Permit and Landban Petition Compliance” presented at the 2017 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Conference, February 25, 2016; Austin, Texas.


The Relative Importance of Critical Technical and Regulatory Factors that Define Injection Well Feasibility: Pressure Matters

Cooper, K.J., Payne, A. and Janes, W., “The Relative Importance of Critical Technical and Regulatory Factors that Define Injection Well Feasibility: Pressure Matters” presented at the 2016 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Conference, February 25, 2016; Denver, Colorado.


Application and Analysis of Step-Rate Testing to Determine Fracture Pressure in Injection Wells

Wandke, L. and Cooper, K.J., “Application and Analysis of Step-Rate Testing to Determine Fracture Pressure in Injection Wells” presented at the 2016 Ground Water Protection Council Annual Underground Injection Control Meeting, February 25, 2016; Denver, Colorado.


Aquifer Exemptions: A Beneficial Process for Industrial Development and Source Water Protection

Demuth, H.P., “Aquifer Exemptions: A Beneficial Process for Industrial Development and Source Water Protection” at the National Mining Association Uranium Recovery Workshop, June 2015; Denver, Colorado.


Groundwater Characterization Lodge Rare Earth Element Project Wyoming

Lawrence, E.P. and Payne, A. “Groundwater Characterization Lodge Rare Earth Element Project Wyoming” presentation at the Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, April 2014; Rapid City, South Dakota.


Wastewater Management at a Proposed Uranium In-situ Recover Project

Fritz, J., Mays, J., and Demuth, H.P. “Wastewater Management at a Proposed Uranium In-situ Recover Project” at the Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, April 2014; Rapid City, South Dakota.


Groundwater Modeling of the Hydraulic Effects of the Proposed Dewey Burdock Uranium In-situ Recovery Project, Fall River and Custer County, South Dakota

Lawrence, E.P., Demuth, H.P., and Mays, J.  “Groundwater Modeling of the Hydraulic Effects of the Proposed Dewey Burdock Uranium In-situ Recovery Project, Fall River and Custer County, South Dakota” presentation at the Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, April 2014; Rapid City, South Dakota.


Innovations in In Situ (ISR) Uranium Development

Viellenave, J.H. and L. Huffman, “Innovations in In Situ (ISR) Uranium Development”, Annual Meeting of the Society of Mining Engineers, February 26, 2014; Salt lake City, Utah.


Critical Issues for the Deep Well Injection of ISR Uranium Waste Water

Cooper, K.J., Demuth, H.P. and Payne, A.: “Critical Issues for the Deep Well Injection of ISR Uranium Waste Water” presented at the U2011 Global Uranium Symposium, September 21, 2011; Casper, Wyoming.


A Method for Calculating An Aquifer Exemption Boundary for Uranium Insitu Recovery Projects

Lawrence, E.P., Cooper, K.J., and Demuth, H.P.: “A Method for Calculating An Aquifer Exemption Boundary for Uranium Insitu Recovery Projects” presented at the U2011 Global Uranium Symposium, September 21, 2011; Casper, Wyoming.


Application of Numerical Groundwater Flow Models to Uranium ISR Projects… What Can We Learn From Them?

Lawrence, E.P., Demuth, H.P, and Cooper, K.J.: “Application of Numerical Groundwater Flow Models to Uranium ISR Projects… What Can We Learn From Them?” presentation at the 2011 Nuclear Regulatory Commission/National Mining Association Uranium Recovery Workshop, May 25, 2011; Denver, Colorado.


Use of Hydrologic Tests and Numerical Models to Predict Hydraulic Behavior of an Unconfined Aquifer During Insitu Recovery of Uranium

Lawrence, E. P, Demuth, H.P, Cooper, K.J., and Wichers, D.: “Use of Hydrologic Tests and Numerical Models to Predict Hydraulic Behavior of an Unconfined Aquifer During Insitu Recovery of Uranium” presented at the 2010 National Ground Water Association Summit, April 14, 2010; Denver, Colorado.


Geologic Considerations for a Class I Disposal Well

Cooper, K.J. and Hansen, T.: “Geologic Considerations for a Class I Disposal Well” presentation at the KDHE Geology Section 2009 Fall Seminar, September 2, 2009; Wichita, Kansas.


Class I Injection Well Use at ISR Facilities

Cooper, K.J. and Demuth, H.P., Update: “Class I Injection Well Use at ISR Facilities” presentation at the 2009 Nuclear Regulatory Commission/National Mining Association Uranium Recovery Workshop, July 2, 2009; Denver, Colorado.


Groundwater Modeling Applications to Uranium ISR Projects: The Relationship of Sweep Efficiency to Pore Volume Removal

Lawrence, E.P., Cooper, K.J., and Demuth, H.P., “Groundwater Modeling Applications to Uranium ISR Projects: The Relationship of Sweep Efficiency to Pore Volume Removal” presentation at the U2009 Global Uranium Symposium, May 13, 2009; Keystone, Colorado.


Geochemistry of Uranium in In-situ Recovery Aquifers after Restoration

Schramke, J.A, Demuth, H.P. and Pelizza, M.S, 2009. “Geochemistry of Uranium in In-situ Recovery Aquifers after Restoration.” Presented at the Global Uranium Symposium 2009, May 13, 2009; Keystone, Colorado.


Wastewater Management via Deepwell Injection at ISR/ISL Facilities

Cooper, K.J., and Demuth, H.P., “Wastewater Management via Deepwell Injection at ISR/ISL Facilities” presentation at the 2009 Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Annual Meeting, February 25, 2009; Denver, Colorado.


Groundwater Restoration Results and Long Term Protection of USDW’s: A Case Study of the Irigaray Uranium Project

Heili, W. and Lawrence E.P., 2008. “Groundwater Restoration Results and Long Term Protection of USDW’s: A Case Study of the Irigaray Uranium Project” presentation at the Colorado State University Health Physics Uranium Symposium, February 2, 2008; Ft. Collins, Colorado.


Overview of Operational Issues Associated with Groundwater, Restoration, and Wastewater Management at ISR/ISL Facilities

Cooper, K.J., Demuth, H.P., and Lawrence, E.P., “Overview of Operational Issues Associated with Groundwater, Restoration, and Wastewater Management at ISR/ISL Facilities” presentation at the 2008 Ground Water Protection Council Winter Underground Injection Control Meeting, January 15, 2008; New Orleans, Louisiana.


Groundwater Modeling Supporting Aquifer Restoration at a Uranium ISR Facility, Wyoming

Lawrence, E. P., Wichers, D. 2007. “Groundwater Modeling Supporting Aquifer Restoration at a Uranium ISR Facility, Wyoming.” In Proceedings of the Global Uranium Symposium 2007, May 2007; Corpus Christi, Texas.


Equipment and Strategies for Deep Well Monitoring

Cooper, K.J. and Davis, G., “Equipment and Strategies for Deep Well Monitoring”, presentation at the 2001 Ground Water Protection Council Winter Underground Injection Control Meeting, January 24, 2001; Houston, Texas.


Identifying Compartmentalization in Gas Reservoirs

Junkin, J.E., Cooper, K.J., and Sippel, M.A., “Identifying Compartmentalization in Gas Reservoirs”: World Oil, Gulf Publishing Company, January 1997, v. 218, Number 1, p. 37-44.


Pressure Transient Analysis Techniques Aid Secondary Recovery Method Choices

Junkin, J.E., Cooper, K.J. and Sippel, M.A., “Pressure Transient Analysis Techniques Aid Secondary Recovery Method Choices”: Petroleum Engineer International, Hart Publications, Inc., March 1996, v. 69, Number 2, p. 63-68.


Tools for Identification of Compartmentalization in Moderate-Permeability Gas Reservoirs

Junkin, J.E. and Cooper, K.J., 1995, “Tools for Identification of Compartmentalization in Moderate-Permeability Gas Reservoirs”: Technical Summary of Research conducted for the Gas Research Institute, the U.S. Department of Energy, and The State of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Report no. GRI-95/0104, 11 p.


Identification of Linear Flow Geometries and Implications for Natural Gas Reservoir Development

Junkin, J.E., Cooper, K.J. and Sippel, M.A., 1995, “Identification of Linear Flow Geometries and Implications for Natural Gas Reservoir Development”: Technical Summary of Research conducted for the Gas Research Institute, the U.S. Department of Energy, and The State of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Report no. GRI-95/0162, 11 p.


In-Situ Stress Measurement at Hazardous Disposal Well Sites: Field Application

Cooper, K.J. and Lyle, R.R.: “In-Situ Stress Measurement at Hazardous Disposal Well Sites: Field Application”, published in the proceedings of the International Symposium on the Scientific and Engineering aspects of Deep Injection Disposal of Hazardous and Industrial Wastes at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, May 10 – 13, 1994; Berkeley, California.


The Fate of Underground Injection

Cooper, K.J. and Lyle, R.R.: “The Fate of Underground Injection”, SPE 26385, presented at the 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, October 3 – 6, 1993; Houston, Texas.


Uniqueness of Reservoir Parameter Assignments Based on Interference Test Analysis

Cooper, K.J. and Collins, R.E.: “Uniqueness of Reservoir Parameter Assignments Based on Interference Test Analysis”, presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Spring Meeting, May 28 – 31, 1991; Baltimore, Maryland.


Geohydrologic, Geochemical and Geologic Controls on the Occurrence of Radon in Ground Water near Conifer, Colorado, USA

Lawrence, E. P., Poeter, E., and Wanty, R. B., 1991. “Geohydrologic, Geochemical and Geologic Controls on the Occurrence of Radon in Ground Water near Conifer, Colorado, USA.” Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 127, 1991, pp. 367-386.


Applications of Transient Pressure Interference Tests to Fractured and Unfractured Injection Wells

Cooper, K.J. and Collins, R.E.: “Applications of Transient Pressure Interference Tests to Fractured and Unfractured Injection Wells”, SPE 19785, presented at the 64th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, October 8 – 11, 1989; San Antonio, Texas.

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